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Blue Line
By igvsupport
August 6, 2024

Leads are like growing seeds. Not all seeds will grow, and not all grown fruit bearing seeds will turn into plants. Not all plants will bear fruits.

Leads are like growing seeds. Not all seeds will grow, and not all grown fruit bearing seeds will turn into plants. Not all plants will bear fruits. Same as with potential leads, out of 1,000 leads, 100 are serious and willing to do business with you, out of 100, 10 maybe turn into sales or done deals.

Keep trying and showcases your value, sincerity, honesty, and integrity. Don’t lose hope and be patient. I truly believe to the old sayings ” NO PAIN= NO GAIN”. Success acquired with PAIN and STRUGGLES is the most fulfilling achievement, rather than being on the TOP but integrity is not intact.

Happy Saturday everyone!

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